18 July 2011

So, I sort of forgot about this thing

Ah, the online writing journal. Two years later she thinks to unhide it on the Blogger dashboard and voila! Inspiration hits! Well, maybe. I do have some stuff I can put on here, you know, stuff from the neverending novel that's been going on like forever.

I started 'Dream On' again from Joel's point of view this time, and I've been writing it in vignettes, all with song titles that reflect the chapter's content. For some reason it's always been easier to write from his viewpoint rather than Cassidy's, who is a bit boring. I know I"m more than likely too hard on myself, but sometimes I go back and read the finished (oh yeah, I did finish it) version (first draft, kind of) and I think, 'Geeze. What crap. Who would want to read this?'  Despite my two fellow writing group peeps who said otherwise. I dunno. Maybe I just want my own writing to knock me out with its awesomeness. It can happen, though, right?

Yeah, sure.

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